The Wealth Compass

Financial guidance program

accepting 10 new clients in october 2023


Receive personalized guidance, unlimited support, and expert education until you achieve your goals and gain the knowledge to manage your financial strategy independently.

step 1: initial Conversation

Schedule a free phone conversation to ensure you understand the full value of The Wealth Compass Financial Planning Program. We'll clarify expectations and answer any questions you may have.

step 2: data collection

Once you're satisfied with the expectations, you can proceed by signing up below. After signing up, you will be sent financial tools and resources to begin getting everything organized.

step 3: tailored goal review

You can meet up to one time each month, but don't worry if you're not able to make it every month; it's not required.During our goal review sessions, we'll discuss what the smartest next move is and provide our expert education on various financial aspects, including cash flow, investment strategy, real estate, insurance, and more.


We'll communicate ongoing to take action, assess your progress, and provide support. You will also receive reports showing your goals and recommended next steps, keeping you informed and on track.

step 5: achieve your goals and be empowered

We'll work together until you feel your goals have been met, and you have the knowledge to self-manage your financial strategy. Don't worry; we're always here for you if you ever wish to resume the service or need further assistance.

not satisified with the results within 6 months ?
we will give you a
100% of your money back.

Why sns ?

Expertise: Our team of skilled financial educators has years of experience in helping clients achieve their financial dreamsPersonalized Attention: We understand that one size does not fit all, delivering solutions that work uniquely for you.Consistency: Our meetings keep you focused and committed to your financial goals, providing the structure and discipline needed to maintain progress.Affordability: Gain access to professional financial guidance that could lead to substantial long-term benefits.

Thank you

We are forever grateful for your ongoing support in trusting us with your education and wealth.